Owning a house or a piece of land automatically grants you the title of a landlord, a title that places your ego among the high and mighty in no small measure. Being a landlord also comes with certain privileges within the society such as receiving a bank loan among several others, but it is sad…
"September 2020" Archives
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Only a select few have the luxury of moving into their apartment from an apartment they already own or have a claim over. For the rest folks, the journey of owning a home begins from staying in a rented apartment until such a time comes for you to move into yours, but like some of…
We all want to own a property and not just occupy one. But, owning any property comes with its unpleasant drama if the right procedures are not followed. Some common cases involve some so-called “real estate” agents taking advantage of the gullible nature of some clients by reselling a property they had no right to…